Monday, September 27, 2021

Meet My Mom: Rose

My mom, Rose Wride, is one of the most talented cooks and bakers I know. Whatever gifts in the kitchen that I possess can be directly attributed to her. She cooked and baked from scratch every single day for her six children, even though she worked full time.  

She has a bachelor's in home economics, and can sew, cook, bake, invent, clean, decorate, and cut hair. As the Director of Home Economics for Vita-Mix, she wrote The Versatile Vita-Mix cookbook published in 1993. Though she now works for the USDA, she continues to test recipes and make the most delicious meals and baked goods. I wish she could run a Bed & Breakfast, or even a bakery.

She is the real deal, and her talents and gifts have inspired me since I was a little girl wanting to learn to do the same things she did well.

So when you see a recipe with my mom's name next to it, like Rose's Rolls AKA Best Rolls Ever, you should definitely try it. Her recipes will make you famous within your circles.

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