Strawberry Cucumber Limonade (Lime-uh-nade)
by Alana Lee
3/4 c. sugar
2 T. lime juice
3/4 c. less 2 T lemon juice
3-3/4 c. cold water
few dashes salt (optional)
2 T. cucumber juice
1/2 c. strawberry puree.
a handful or two of ice cubes
1. Pour sugar and water into pitcher.
2. Pour 2 T of lime juice into a glass measuring cup. Now add lemon juice until lime-lemon mixture equals 3/4 c. Add to sugar water.
3. Add a dash or two of salt if desired. (Sometimes I do, and sometimes I don't.)
4. Whisk well until sugar is dissolved.
5. Peel and slice half a cucumber and puree it in a mixer. Strain the pulp out using cloth or mesh fabric. Stir in cucumber juice
6. Cut of the stems of fresh, juicy strawberries and puree in mixer. Add 1/2 c. strawberry puree.
7. Whisk in ice cubes and serve.
Hint: Puree and drain pulp of one cucumber and store in fridge in a mason jar for easy mixing next time.